We are conveniently located in the market town of Otley within travelling distance of the West Yorkshire towns Ilkley, Harewood, Pool, Yeadon, and Guiseley, as well as North Yorkshire and Harrogate.
Over the last 20 years, we have developed the Practice to bring together various aspects of dentistry under one roof. This means we can provide excellent continuity of care for a wide range of dentistry treatment plans, from routine and preventative dental care to more complex cosmetic dental procedures, implants and smile makeovers.
Our Services
We offer a wide range of dental treatments from routine preventative care to full cosmetic dentistry smile makeovers.

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We are a modern family practice, committed to providing excellence in dental care and customer service.
We always aim to provide high quality dental care at an affordable price.
Click here to download a pdf of our treatment pricing list. Prices vary depending on patients’ requirements but this will give you a guide to the typical costs of various treatments.
We also try to be as flexible as possible by offering monthly dental health plans as well as a ‘pay as you go’ payment option.
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